I’m super excited to be part of School of Code's cohort #15. It’s everything I expected and beyond. We had our first official session yesterday and have already covered so much ground!
We started off with ‘Computational Thinking’ - a fundamental concept of problem-solving. It involves breaking down a problem into smaller steps and finding a solution using a logical sequence. There are 4 main parts to it.
Understand the problem
- We do this step so we can get to the root of the issue and parse through the layers.
- This can help us prioritise the first thing we need to work on.
- Helps us in delegating the problem to the right person/department.
Break down the problem
- Breaking down the problem makes it easier to handle and helps avoid feeling overwhelmed.
- If it feels too big, break it down more. The problem should be 'googleable' for better understanding.
- It also saves resources and time.
Look for patterns
- Allows one to replicate solutions for similar problems.
- Predict future problems that may arise.
Write an algorithm
- The plan we write to solve a problem
- a set of clear instructions that have a logical flow
- We can give the solution to anyone and it would work
- The final step is translating the instructions into code
I may have heard of this approach before but like the instructor mentioned, this concept has to be drilled over and over again till it becomes second nature to us and our default method for approaching problems. Over the coming weeks, we will have plenty of opportunities to practice it.
We also discussed the importance of having a ‘growth mindset’ when it comes to any kind of learning and how it can transform the way we learn and grow without judging ourselves.
Some of the other topics covered were
- Imposter syndrome
- Neuroplasticity
- Effective learning techniques like ‘gap learning’ and ‘spaced repetition’
Gap learning is when you’re solving a complex issue or learning something new. Pause for a few seconds (10 seconds) right in the middle of it to give your brain a complete break. Even though you're not actively learning or solving, but your brain continues to work efficiently without extra effort. It’s a way of using nature to optimise your learning.
- the importance of a good night’s sleep and micro-naps throughout the day to keep our brains primed for learning.
- walking/physical activity maximises our learning potential. Apart from reducing stress, walks help in the formation of new neural connections in the brain which are essential for learning and memory.
Thank you for reading :)